Blog Article

I'd love to meet my soul mate

Posted by guitarman

I'm not sure about relationships in this auti world that I belong to. I am daunted by this, this is why I'm not contacting women.  I have a 19 year old son so as I am 56 that age is uncomfortable for me. I just am nervous as I am of the age specified.

If your attracted or like me please say hi as I just do not know how to go about this as I'm not good on social aspects.

I am dealing with my diagnosis from 11 weeks ago, I'm on the asd, dyspraxic but I play guitar, I've got tourettes, I get anxiety, and I get depressed due to lonliness, how's that for a mixed bag lol. 

If someone reading this likes me, please say hi, I hope my personality comes through in my pictures.

Kindest regards

Robert Robinson B.A. Honours

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