Blog Article

In all seriousness

Posted by squee

I have an account previously called 'Kelmire'.

I've just come back to talk to people, nothing more. I have my eye on a girl back home, so I'm pursuing that and I have no real interest in anythingl ong distance anyway.

I can talk about anything ranging from politics to science, especially history and philosophy to video games, to books of the science fiction variety (unless you've read The Joy Luck Club, in which case you're alright by me) to stand up comedians to heart-to-heart stuff, although don't expoect me to share too much.

So if anyone is just looking for a chat, feel free to swing by and say hi.
I'll upload a new picture of my appearance. I had a pic previous of long hair, but that pic is over ten years old now.
I'm normally a technophobe, I don't trust every technological device that's on the market, because most have targeted ads that steal private information, or have tracking systems on them - or even cameras/microphones that can't actually be properly turned off.
So I always stuck to an old Nokia phone, but this was apparently unaccepable to my family because i'm notoriously difficult ot get ahold of, so... now I have a new phone, so I'll upload some pics soon as I am now technically 'on the grid'.. .. god help me :/

Anyway, i've ranted enough. Swing by and say hi or I'll pay a local witchdoctor to turn you into a frog.

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