Blog Article

How I’m feeling these days

Posted by will77

I'm feeling more positive about the future. And I'll say this to anyone who has ever been cheated on. "It... Fucking... hurts." It cuts deeper than any blade and burns hotter than any flame. It makes you feel low and betrayed. But with time it gets easier to get over it. Really... It does take a little time. But you'll pull through eventually. If anyone needs someone to talk to or needs advice I'm here to help.

Im positive about the future now, there is no looking back. The past is history. Once you learn from your past leave it behind and don't look back. Yesterday's bad energy is history... see, it's behind you now. So keep moving. Life is like an Icecream... so enjoy it before it melts.

Ive started listening to more anti anxiety ASMR that's been helping me a lot. I'm working on myself as a person right now as I want to improve. My driving lessons are going brilliantly and don't worry ? you all won't need to stay off the road. My driving instructor says I'm a joy to teach because of how quickly I've learnt to drive. I plan on getting a job within the next 1-2 years and it seems that 2020 will be a time full of new friendships formed and altogether... I will change my life for the better. 

I'll regularly write blog posts on how things are going and I'll be certain to check into this site a lot. Even if I write blog posts trying to lighten up people's day then I will be happy. A lot of people have tried to help me... It's my turn to return the favour. And to any of those I have had arguments or disagreements with then I hope we can leave all that shit behind and maybe come together as friends to make this site a better place ? Kind regards - Sean

P.S. If you ever play Death Stranding... Watch out for those rivers. If they don't look too deep still use your Odratek scanner.

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