Blog Article

Are you very emotional but emotionally blind?   A confession. The inability to truly read emotion in faces [alexithymia] is far more common that most people know, and extends well beyond those of us on the autism spectrum. We can test ourselves. See my results below.  All I can say is, I deeply want to overcome this, and I think we can help each other. Both same and different genders.  

Posted by philipandermann1 

How do you feel about this?



We've got to be honest with each other.

I don't really want to share my [hasty] test results, but that is what this is about:






The result of the questionnaire should just give you some hints regarding Alexithymia and by no means can replace medical diagnoses or advice!

Test Results: 113 Points

Alexithymia: You show high alexithymic traits. If you are interested in Alexithymia we would be happy to have you as a regular visitor on our pages.


We are relying on your comments and feedback to improve this site. If you want to tell us anything please take some time and send us a short notice. This is anonymous so you will not get any feedback from us (please use the forum if you want some feedback).

And now? Join Us!

We hope that this questionnaire was some kind of help for you. It will not be the one and definite answer but might give you some insights and ideas to think about. This page is completely anonymous and everything is for free. If you want to join the community there is no stuff we want to sell you and we will not bother you in any way. It offers a wonderful opportunity to discuss with others about emotions and feelings and the different perceptions of people.

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Detailed Results

Your result is broken down into various factors to give you some insight into your result.

Category: Difficulty Identifying Feelings: 23 Points <15 - 18> 
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Difficulty Describing Feelings: 13 Points <10 - 12> 
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Vicarious Interpretation of Feelings: 10 Points <8 - 9> 
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Externally-Oriented Thinking: 19 Points <18 - 21> 
In this category you show some alexithymic traits.

Category: Restricted Imaginative Processes: 18 Points <18 - 21> 
In this category you show some alexithymic traits.

Category: Problematic Interpersonal Relationships: 19 Points <15 - 18> 
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Sexual Difficulties and Disinterest: 11 Points <10 - 12> 
In this category you show some alexithymic traits.



ALEXITHYMIA .us .org .com .info
english | deutsch

Alexithymia is a personality construct characterized by the inability to identify and describe emotions in the self. Core characteristics of alexithymia are marked dysfunction in emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relationship.

Alexithymia is prevalent in approximately 10% of the general population and is known to be comorbid with a number of psychiatric conditions. Due the inability to cope with feelings and emotions as described in psychology there are counseling services to establish mental health.

Psychologist have argued that the alexithymia construct is strongly related to the concepts of psychological mindedness and emotional intelligence.

Alexithymia - emotional blindness - is a personal trait which affects roughly 10% of the population.

Alexithymia describes the difficulty of people to perceive and describe emotions of others and themselves. Most persons concerned are not aware about this deficit and usually they are just recognizing it in contact with others, especially close friends, within their family or their partner.

These pages should deliver additional information about Alexithymia and offer information for affected persons, relatives and generally interested people.



ALEXITHYMIA .us .org .com .info
english | deutsch


Number of views: 1773


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