Blog Article


Posted by princealastor

Upon receiving the phone from Futureworks, I was introduced to a lovely lady, she was very kind and told me everything about the course of gaming, it is going to be a 3 year course where I'll be learning many things, the last part of the course will be a group work where I'm out into a group, they assure at the place that I'll be gaining plenty of help during my 3 years of the college. But first, I'll be attending an open day to look round the college as well as see what other students who had been there worked on, if I must say it is very exciting, they will also do a student life plan, I'll be receiving a call from someone else to talk about that at some point, when I go to the open day, I'll try to bring up an update on my thoughts and what I think about the place

signing off,


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