Blog Article

Getting crazy here

Posted by lanier2368

Are other people here noticing an uptick of fake scammer profiles here lately? Don't get me wrong. The admins running the site are very awsome at getting rid of the fake profiles and the scammers, some of the best I've seen on any dating sites, and it's not in their control who initially joins the site, tho ya they can control who stays on the site and weeding out the fakes which as I said they do an awsome job with. But just wondering if anyone else is noticing the uptake... Maybe with everything going on the scammers are getting more desperete in trying to get money? Lol. But to the admins keep up the awsome work on getting rid of the scammers and fake profiles...

Number of views: 1213


Posted by lanier2368

And wow it sounds like I'm trying to sell myself in a job

Posted by lanier2368

Hey, if they offered I would do it. The admins do an awesome job but if I could help them in that way I would. We are in the same boat with the autism thing and I'm lucky enough to have a mild case and feel like it's my responsibility to help protect folks with more severe autism who isn't as lucky as I am with seeing the warning signs and all that.

Posted by squee


Posted by squee

Sadly, scam accounts are just a fact of life with any dating website. The admins do a good enough job banning them. People prey upon other people whenever there's something to gain from it. It's part of human nature. Just have to live with it. They should make you an admit, Lanier.

Posted by lanier2368

Tho, even as transparent as they get unfortunately there are people that fall for their stuff. I think that's why they continue to do what they do. They consider it 'easy money', not having to put in a lot of effort to get money. That's why we have to watch out for the people that might fall for the stuff no matter how transparent they are. But ya it's all crazy.

Posted by lanier2368

That's the, I would say funniest thing but it's not really funny, bizarre I guess...How obvious they are. Both with their profiles and if you talk to them. I sometimes talk to some of these people and it's pathetic how transparent they are with trying to get money...