Blog Article

Marie Curie's encouraging example

Posted by philipandermann1

[draft of poem to Dr. Galkowski from Poland)


Marie Skłodowska[-Curie], 
sparkling with spunk, idealism, brilliance, 
contagious with freedom of mind and heart,
passionate with questions, 

left Poland to bedazzle the elite Sorbonne 
but much more,
supremely determined to build 
the pride of her beloved Poland 
which had suffered so much 
without freedom.

In France, she and her beloved Pierre 
toiled for those passionate years 
to distill the essence 
of a mysterious radium 
that scintillated its radiance
to reveal a new world.

It ws also a laboratory of new discoveries
of the human mind and human heart.

The universe was forever the playground 
of her mind,
but she burned with passion
to serve humanity.

Herself evermore devastated 
from her exposure to radium atoms,
she poured every atom of her essence
into restoring the health of the soldiers 
also risking their lives
for freedom.

She poured the last breath of her life
into restoring each human  universe
which was a treasure
of her heart.

She distilled the free spirit of Poland,
distilled an essence of physics,
distilled the courage of her heart,
and distilled thereby
her own unique essence
rallying Poland
and the world 
to the spirit of science and medicine
used to save and  uplift countless human universes.
She inspiring revolutionized the inward hearts 
worldwide of millions of young women  
to break the barricades against their becoming scientists,
and countless millions more 
to challenge any prejudice against their abilities.

One person devoted to science and medicine
offered to humanity from the heart
can inspire transforming more lives
than even Ms. Curie could calculate.

And for any devoted to medicine,
the slightest whisper
of hope
to save even other human life
gets whisked by the wind
to the furthest corners of the universe
and blazes constellations
in the heart.

And for yourself, 
your understanding prayer of compassion
is another voice freed 
to reveal the singing echoes of the heart.
To reveal with the mysteries of the laboratory
of your capabilities, 
new mysteries of the  universe of human body and soul.

Your caring is to free,
and to thus cherish that freedom,
as your own.

The freedom to fulfill
your own unique mission
is your key to absolute happiness.

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