Blog Article

how can we sink when together we can fly?

Posted by philipandermann1

May 13, 2015
how can we sink when together we can fly?

What Is True Love?


Philip Claude Andermann

They say love is a color... 

only the blind can see!!!

At times in life we may feel so blind 

we cannot see the sun 

of love which dazzles us, 

but thus we can feel it leading

to see the important things..

At times we cannot open our hearts 

until our own hearts are broken open, 

sometimes through love.

At times we cannot see 

except through our tears, 

seeing because of our tears.

Such tears of painful love 

can become necklaces

of priceless jewels 

transforming us into royalty, 

of understanding.

For it is the heart that sees 

the things that are important.
[True love is only as blind

 as true justice.]

The sun of all colors 

revealing arises 

growing out of the dark earth 

of our earthly desires,
it arises 

out of the blindness of night.

The colors of true love 

do not come from outside us,

as in broad daylight,
they live within us 

so we cannot see them 

until we see ourselves
and see all the black fears 

were only shadows;

the sun within dawns

to turn tears of hope 

into rain of self-love 

and nourishment 

to offer others.

Do not worry 

if now it should seem dark in our night.
Because alone, 

we can see the lonely... 

But not to exploit!

The simple torch of passion

lights the very night

to reveal uniquest beauty freed

to burst into self-expression

of compassion..


to be the compassion justice 

that shines when 

no-one sees it 

to cheer us,
for thus it shines uniquely 

for those in the night 

of blind suffering

seeking caring.

If we are in night, 

our small spark 

can become the torch. 

of the mentor of compassionate justice,
blazing all across the earth 

in growth 

lighting the way to dawn.
For all.

In our hunger for truest love,

our hunger to feed, 

we can swallow the sun, the world,
even the distant stars, the darkest corner,
the happiest smile, the unseen tear,
soaking it live 

into every cell of our mind and body.

To our friend 

lost among the snow-petals,
in the winter before spring, 

their feelings pervading our whole being,

let us reach out into their night,
let us reach to every challenge, 

that we may encourage by example.

We'll weep hot tears of caring 

even should the world freeze over,
for we have swallowed a sun, 

to keep to share
when we dare to share 

the joy of true sharing:
the sun of passion and hope.

If now it seems night,
then let us challenge and stretch to the skies
to touch the skies 

of the night of others
to turn their stars into true suns,
to reveal our truest colors in revealing theirs,

to turn their Earth

into a new universe..

For truest beauty is not in the face, 

it is a light in the heart,

that reveals beauty in all faces..

Your heart is the lit face 

of humanity.

When we are blind 

to the walls 

that would separate us,
we see and reveal 

the colors of true love;
the walls turn 

into oceans 

connecting us.

And when the envious inevitably attack,
how can we sink 

when together we can fly?
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