you are sublime
noble, indomitable.
You are gentle
yet stronger than anyone.
Always smiling,
you are engaging and intimidating.
And while you
may appear childlike,
you are a perceptive student of life
with a doctoral degree
in daily living.
The world without you
would be darkness.
With you, the world is warm
throughout the four seasons;
fragrant breezes blow
and harmonious gardens bloom.
Your sound is like that of a Buddha,
your heart, a Bodhisattva.
Your leadership and direction
are masterful, artistic.
Through suffering, joy or sadness
you always carry a realm
of ease and comfort.
You are a brilliant physician
healing the heart's wounds.
Your own heart
is deeper than the ocean.
Your open truth-seeing eyes
your warm, familiar smile.
Day after day,
at dawn, at midnight,
your wordless words convey
"I'm not letting you go, not yet."
Your prodigious soul
burns red like the sun.
You nourish us with
your bright beams.
Flooding us with
love-filled light,
you abhor dark and gloom.
Day in, day out,
you point the way,
guiding people
toward the towering
landmarks of peace.
Forging bonds of joy
with everyone you meet,
you engage in the compassionate
fight for human rights, for peace,
always advancing
one further step
toward a better world.
No one can match or better you -
not the famous,
not the politically powerful.
Forging bonds of joy
with everyone you meet,
you engage in the compassionate
fight for human rights,for peace,
always advancing
one further step
toward a better world.
No one can match or better you -
not the famous,
not the politically powerful.
In your grandeur,
you create a limitless store
of powerful and precious memories.
Completely unconcerned
by your lack of wealth,
your smile, serene and unperturbed.
You prepare your simple fare
laughing, praising yourself -
"Better than the best restaurant!"
You celebrate cramped quarters as
"More efficient and easier to clean!"
You rise above all groundless
criticism and slander.
You are reality's actor,
with more wisdom
than the most renowned.
For on a grand stage
on a higher plane
you dance with Buddhas
of the three existences,
amidst the applause
of Buddhist gods.
Such popularity!
No matter the slander
or criticism, you know
who is a liar,
who a hypocrite,
who is driven by jealousy.
Your powers of perception
are unrivaled by
any prosecuting attorney.
Never submitting
to the power of authority
or malicious lies,
you are a mother
of truth and justice,
To you, my gratitude.
To you, my most
profound respect.
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