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Would you agree or disagree with any of  the following by an aspergian about aspergians? [Mariland is a Brazilian, noted regarding her English]

Posted by philipandermann1

Would you agree or disagree with any of  the following by an aspergian about aspergians?

[Mariland is a Brazilian, noted regarding her English]

Mariland Ster   [brilliant in many fields, could just not face being in school, almost totally self-taught]

 Gifted, Asperger, High IQ people at work.

Some advantages in relation other people:

1 - Generally, a very determined, strong, dedicated and committed person at work.
2 - Good in solving problems, since most of them has as the main and highest one, the logical - mathematics and spatial, being able through a quick look get a complete scenario of the problem, finding not only the prompt solution, as well as finding the root of the problem and solving from it avoiding future problems in the same nature.
3 - Many of them are naturally self-taught, with a very ease on learning, and, while a normal person spend 4, 5 years in a College, some with a very difficulty on learning, they are able to learn in half time, at home, alone, not only about one area, as well as two, three different areas, eg. Law, Astrophysics and Mechanical Engineering, sometimes becoming expert in these areas, being able to do exactly the same as the normal person who had their education in a College, or even better.
4 - Most of them are capable to have a fast growth inside a company and occupy the highest positions in a very short time, considering all the points I have mentioned above and others.
5 - Most of them are highly curious with a continuous thirst for knowledge, seeking not only understand everything into their department, as well as, every department, rules, policies, etc inside a company, what make them a diversified person, able and ready to work in any department, doing a very great work.
6 - Generally, they are very rigid and demanding with themselves, not accepting failures, working hard every day on their own improvement, what make them able to do a work of high excellence, having a very small perceptual of mistakes or rarely committing mistakes.
7 - Most of them are born great Inventors, Scientists, Mathematicians, etc.

Some disadvantage on daily work.

- Generally, they are misunderstood among other employees/managers
- Generally, they do not make friends easily at work, being very lonely people around
- Some people can have some difficulty in certain jobs, if these can´t bring them a bit of challenge at the daily work.
- Generally, some can suffer some type of bullying at work.

Number of views: 1847


Posted by douggiedale

I agree with this. I taught myself to write stories and poems. It helps that I can visual a scene.