Blog Article

We have to make ourselves heard. 

Posted by philipandermann1

We have to make ourselves heard. We have to speak out for what we believe in. When we, the people, boldly state our true convictions--never losing our optimism or sense of humor--the times will change. When it comes to speaking out for justice, there isn't any need for restraint. On the contrary, to be reserved or hesitant under such circumstances is wrong.

Number of views: 1524


Posted by douggiedale

I completely agree with you. I can't stand the toxic "It's none of my business" mindset. It drives me up a wall! If someone's being harmed somehow, help. In seen this attitude in my inclusion class and while back concerning some nonsense in the middle east and apparently more people thought this cause look what happened. Humans: the most advance, yet most stupid species on the planet. Anyways have a nice day and don't forget to smile smile smile Katie