Blog Article

Best of barbershop

Posted by introvert_aspie

Crud... o.o at approximately 7.30pm on the 20th of September I will be singing in front of a possible crowd of 75 people... 160 max.
Although I've sung in front of that kind of crowd before this will be different: 
1. Because the singout may be compered by Wilf Husband
2. I'll be singing with 2 medal winning quartets, one of which my sister is part of

So I'm very anixous and nervous but I've practised hard... still won't help me relax when I first start singing... I'll be stonefaced and immobile like a statue... hopefully I will relax, try to smile and put movement into the songs I'll be singing.

This singout will be in aid of Precious Lifes, Epilepsy Bereaved and the National Austistic Society, Tickets are still avalible at £6.50 each... why I am I telling you this?
Well a bigger crowd means more money for the charities, as long as our chorus clown is there I'll be okay, hopefully smiling and singing my best... even though I doubt my singing abilities >.>

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