Blog Article

finding you

Posted by philipandermann1

WITHIN TOGETHER. ALL 8/17/2015   (experimental draft!)


In all the towns of all the  countries

on all the planets

of each of the 100 billion stars

in each of the 100 billion galaxies

there is only one of you.

I cannot believe my good fortune

to have found you without looking so far...

for the  highest world was always here.

You have conquered the world of my heart so easily

and now all those beautiful stars up there

are our own beautiful treasures

no jealous person can conquer back from us.


As the world breathed life into me,

I breathe the world in and out

to radiate life

rippling forever out ward.

My world does not end at my skin

or my death,

and you will never leave

the boundary of my heart,

my love,

who breathed love into me.


You breathe spring's breeze 

straight through my heart

as you dance time's wind

to make all flowers dance

a spring across the cosmos

of all life 

you made intimate.


So we keep finding

ourselves in each other.

We each see happiness reflected

in the other's eyes.

We see through each other's eyes

as now we see ahead together

within society.


Love is the most contagious health

in the cosmos,

linking all hands

of all species uniquely

in respect,

kneading into radiant life

a new world of supreme dignity

of unique

equality for all

for their advance.



For together

lying hand in hand in flowers

we fall from the ground

into a vaster field, of stars.

For we are seeds

of a new constellation of friends,

and nothing can stop us from falling

in love.

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