Blog Article

You too could transform Hell

Posted by philipandermann1

"Happiness Comes From Within!"

My friend, are there no houses left, do you see only the sun and the rain? Then open up the palace of your HEART to let the sun within light up the community to rebuild, and to re-grow through that rain. My friend, is there no water or food? The wellspring is WITHIN you freer than the river's water, without any constraint. SHARE the food and water you have without bounds and the love shall MULTIPLY to give you strength, prayer to together squeeze water out of sand, to find out how to multiply those few morsels more than any Christ. My friend, does disease ravage and rip you INSIDE OUT? Then inside out, discover the strong diamond that was WITHIN, and fill and awe the universe with your brilliant strength, inside out crowd the stars into your heart, inspire and crowd the people as one to HEAL EACH OTHER. My dearest child, do you have no parents? Do you have no love given, for your love to grow? My love, just learn the few words - NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO, and the love will well within - anyway, the flower within will grow - anyway, spring's start will be thus announced, and supporting flowers will appear everywhere. My friend, NO MATTER WHAT, fill your life with heroic drama and with a passion fanned by anger set your heart on fire!

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