Blog Article

ANOTHER Issue to write about

Posted by pinkiepie96

"Cultural difference" shouldn't excuse everything. The fact some religions don't celebrate Christmas is a cultural difference. This and the nonsense in the last article isn't. It's human being creul towards one another glorfying it through an excuse. I can't believe I have to explain this to some people. No comment about the stories in the link but that I'll pray for them. Spread this around until something gets done. I can't say Smile, Smile, Smile, this link is nothing to smile about unless you have serious issues.


Number of views: 1513


Posted by roquefort

I have shared this on Facebook. I will never forget these women. They will live inside me forever. At least I have a courageous friend, Praka Bistra, penniless but gifted and sensitive while growing up, who is now seeking with every ounce of his being to revolutionize the entire child education system in Neoal. Teaching children the real truth will wind up changing everything in the end. Inside me forever..