Blog Article

what are love and beauty 2?

Posted by philipandermann1


"Our Dawn"

Why does our snow blush
when the sun sees it?


all things are the measure of man.

"Revealing Portrait"

Did I brush
your soul
with my words?


silhouette shrinking 
with the western setting sun:
with tomorrow's eastern dawn
will a shadow of me touch you,
as your giant shadow now 
blinds me with tears?


Winter has started:
trees now wave roots at the sky,
grow brown leaves from the earth.

"Spring Tease"

Wind caresses. Fled.
If it waited for our response
and stayed,
who would ever notice it?

"Child-God's Stable"

The stars were chinks in the roof
revealing his grand day ahead.

"Beauty Inspiring All"

Blaze of a billion stars -
poised above a Birth of God -
in everyone.

"Snow Grows"

Snow-petals unfold in clouds
hiding trees of heaven
as on Earth

"Veterans' Doctor"

Because I could not dance,
I wept when I heard the beautiful music.
But when my hands and feet moved for those without them
- who has time for tears?
the song from my life made them "dance with Joy"!
Courage always has swift feet to run and embrace
those without,
and heal those able to listen
to words of music no one else might hear.

No one sees me weep yet for Peace, hearing its music.

"Spring Reborn"

How can I capture the wind blowing the flowers in the field
with my camera?
That eternal wind alive leaping from flower to flower?

I cannot, because life it too agile to be enchanted captured
in the frame of a film,
in the frame of my body -
even in the kiss of a flower.

"Magic Without Magic"

Kaleidoscope, magic.
Kaleidoscope, of the mind's fantasies.
Kaleidoscope, cheap trinkets done with mirrors
are we unless we mirror to the swirling cosmic kaleidoscope
of another's smiling eyes
that from those colorful pieces inside us
we will build a world of peace.

"To Have a Son"

In the true meaning,
am I large enough
to fill that small swing?

"To Have a Son"

The full moon is settling
to bathe in the ocean's end.
Suddenly its swarm  
of  dancing lights coalesce
into a bridge.
can I reach the moon?

"Mirror of Hope"

When we fall,
it is only into the skies
of deeper realization and love.
But your skin
contains the tallest sky.
Inside, you are a giant.
Never sell yourself short.
You touch the skies
of others.
You turn their stars
into suns.
You mirroring turn the Earth
into a different universe,
one lit
by your last ounce of courage
and hope.

"To My Friend"
I seem to have swallowed the world,
even the distant stars, the darkest corners,
the happiest smile, the unseen tear,
soaking it live into every cell of my mind and body.
To my friend lost among the snow petals,
in the winter before spring:
how can my feelings reach out into the night
to yours which pervade my whole being?

I reach out to every challenge,
that I may reach out to you.
Encouraging you by example, I would dare
to share the joy of true sharing.
Even should the world freeze over
I'll weep with a burning desire:
to share that sun which is rising inside me.
Brother, sister, encompass the world, soak that sun in,
with your eyes, your deeds - the sun of passion and hope!
"Through Love One Sees in Four Dimensions"

The couple looked into the other's eyes,
saw through them,
and how to look in the same direction

"Footprints Side By Side To Fly"

From the depths of love
we waken each other, 
from our deepest dreams
to make reality magic.

I Will Be True!"   "Cascade of Mercy"

Our shores merge, to only oceans, oh God touching
tossed in Noah's tiniest ancestral ark what beast roars,
makes an angel soar?

Shed your being radiating
outward, shed of my body that
I offer to death, no my children. Land is waiting.
Disassemble our cage
assemble on the fields
all the grains in the sky
witnesses from our children
in such mirror shiver
cascade of mercy.
I will be true, 

"Earth-Shaking Silence"

Out of darkness a sun pounces,
roaring yellow to an emerging seedling,

splitting the earth.

"Gentle Cups of Music"/ We are all

We are all nourished

by gentle cups of music

because of our common

heart beat.

"You. You! (Finally, the truth.)" 9/13/2015 by Phil 


All those words within me are libraries of praise,
cosmoses that thus always silence my mouth;
yet forever those libraries about you
remain a few restless atoms
compared to the palace of your heart,
where caring rules.

"True Teacher"

Wonderland is a beautiful

madness bestowing transcendental sense
beyond the world's shenanigans,
that the future be free to blossom profusely.

It is to see the future through a child's eyes
before offering one's own as a light for the way there.

In the sky see the watchful eyes
lighting skin of inner universes.

Knowledge is to know the ledge of daring.

The journey of education
to discover the beauty in all alternate universes
is to learn courage, of love;
with voice to brush the paint
revealing a new world
transforming away the nightmares and storm,
till we see the beauty of that hidden wind
transporting all;
to awaken beauty of dreams
from drowsiness
to make reality magic.

Walk forth with courage
through that storm,
with courage in your life
since you teaching lead by example;
always aware we all carry pregnant with future,
and that


Did you not know I was blindto all darkness?That that was the only way I bumped into you?I cannot seeyour feelings,so I dared to touch youwith my innocence,deeper because I know there is no skinor death between us.

"From the Wildest Chaos, the Most BeautifulSymphonies "

Touching the conception of the trillions
of future generations:

how can we be egotistic when we are part
of our planet's single living entity?
Each holding every other at its mercy, each feeding the other,
each swallowing a universe giving it life,
each every second shedding a part of its being radiating
outward offering to Death,
no offering it to feed each being, each living
universe around us...
only in this (disassembling) way assembling our own identity.

Even beyond our "death" this radiation of offering
continues, rippling far beyond our friends...
Each moment contains every other,
death contains life.

We cannot destroy anyone's life
for even when we turn the universe
of our life inside out and
make each entity a universe,
an endless cascade of  worlds containing it
we do not destroy it.

In endless cascade of scale downward and upward
all qualities of creative "life" support
and contain each other
far transcending the apparent cage
of physical laws, of mortality.
Endless cascades of life, you do not "know"
scientists now find that in simple
transpositions f
rom the wildest chaos the most beautiful
 might be uncovered.


"Rebirth of our Entire Family"

Our family grew like a child.

Like a child learning to paint,
the texture of our world refined
from daubs of feelings to skilled weaving, of words
we teasingly clothed ourselves with, and to beyond...

Words of love softened into warm skin
of family's arms linking our caring.


May even a single word of our love
grow to be a great teacher
for our children - thus their world -
that they may truly create, conceive
a new meaning for our parents' lives

and their love.

Beauty is vulnerability 

that dares
to share 
its courage.

My address, for you,
is always my heart.
It will not be fake.
A genuine smile 
is a universal passport 
that is also its own passport 
to travel around the world,


As the world breathed life into me,
I breathe the world in and out
to radiate life
rippling forever out ward.
My world does not end at my skin
or my death,
and you will never leave
the boundary of my heart,
my love,
who breathed love into me.

Leonardo's painting of the heart


I saw it the  other night, 

huge over the roofs.  

Very low, very pale. 

To me it still looks absolutely  astounding. 

Men have walked on it  

But the mystery has remained.

Falling for,

always missing each other.

Softness suffusing

our rocky hopes

echoing each other.

Distantly touching

way too deep.

Coy phases faithful

beat with my heart.

We share breaths

of fresh infinity...

Always she has remained

pulling me.


BECAUSE alone in night
I saw the lonely.
Deep into their hearts!
Because I stole the fire of stars t' warm them,
I burned with weariness
when at last revived they shone like dawn;
but then I saw the sun was mine,
would never set inside me,
the sun which rose alone
to share.

"The Ocean Pounding in His Heart"

A net of wrinkles traps the fisherman's face in a smile
but cannot age his eyes
reflecting blue seas
where a million times blinking they've cast their lashes
and caught only joy-tears.



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