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Hope is a decision!!

Posted by philipandermann1

Hope is a decision!!

     Hope is a decision. It is the most important decision we can make. Hope changes everything, starting with our lives. Hope is the force that enables us to take action to to make our dreams come true. It has the power to change winter into summer,, barrenness to creativity, agony to joy. As long as we have hope, there is nothing we cannot achieve. When we possess the treasure of hope, we can draw forth our inner potential and strength  A  person of hope can always advance.

     Hope is a flame that we nurture within our hearts. It may be sparked by someone else - by the encouraging words of a friend, relative or mentor - but it must be fanned and kept burning through our own determination. Most crucial is our determination. Most crucial is our determination to continue to believe in the limitless dignity of both ourselves and others.

    Mahatma Gandhi led the nonviolent struggle for Indian independence from British colonial rule, succeeding against all odds. He was, in his own words, "an irrepressible optimist." His hope was not based on circumstances, rising and falling as things seemed to be going better or worse.  Rather, it was based on an unshakable belief in humanity, in the capacity of people for good. He absolutely refused to abandon his faith in his fellow human beings.

      Keeping faith in people's essential goodness, and the consistent effort to cultivate this goodness in ourselves - as Gandhi proved - these are the twin keys to unleashing the great power of hope. Believing in ourselves and in others - as Gandhi proved - these are the twin keys to unleashing the great power of hope. Believing in ourselves an in others in this way - continuing to wage the difficult inner struggle to make this the basis for our actions - can transform a society that sometimes seems to be plummeting toward darkness into a humane and enlightened world where all people are treated with respect.

     There may be times when, confronted by cruel reality, we verge on losing all hope. If we cannot feel hope, it is time to create some. We can do \this by digging deeper within, searching for even a small glimmer of light, for the possibility of a way top begin to break through the impasse before us. And our capacity for hope can actually be expanded and strengthened in difficult circumstances. Hope that has not been tested is nothing but a fragile dream. Hope begins from this challenge., this effort to strive toward an ideal, however distant it may seem.

The tragedy of losing hope.

     It is far better  to pursue a remote, even seemingly difficult goal than to cheat ourselves of the forward motion that such goals can provide. I believe that the ultimate tragedy in life is not physical death. Rather, it is the spiritual death of losing hope, giving up on our own possibilities for growth.

     My mentor, Josei Toda, once wrote: "In looking at great people of the past, we find that they remained undefeated by life'hardships, by life's pounding waves. They held fast to hope that seemed mere fantastic dreams to other people, They let nothing stop or discourage them from realizing their aspirations. The reason for this, I feel certain, is that their hopes themselves were not directed toward the  the fulfillment of personal desires, but based on a wish for all people's happiness, and this filled them with extraordinary conviction and confidence."

      Here he pointed to a crucially important truth: Real hope is found in committing ourselves to vast goals and dreams - dreams such as a world where everyone can live with dignity.

     The problems that face our world are daunting in their depth and complexity. Sometimes it may be hard to see where - or how - to begin. But we cannot be paralyzed by despair. We must each take action toward the goals we have set and in which we believe. Rather than passively accepting things as they are, we must embark on the challenge of creating a new reality. It is in that effort that true, undying hope is to be found.

Daisaku Ikeda
Number of views: 1814


Posted by tascott

hope is not a decision for the simple reason that there is no free will, and what looks to us as free will is a delusion. instead of free will there is determinism. this is scientific, not my opinion. everything that ever happened is predetermined by previous events. this is true of our brain activity too. it is determined by chemicals that either come into the brain from the outside or are produced by the very brain. this is sad, but is true. i as a person with mild asperger's don't fool myself about anything, if i can help it. so, people, no free will. it's the invention of the church to in order to explain why there is pain and horror on the earth in spite of 'god''s goodness. another invention of the church is 'devil'. it serves the same goal, to explain the evil in the nature, like the suffering of the animals, and in human nature, in spite of the 'existence' of good 'god'. sorry for the truth opener. aspies are known for being honest and truthful frank candid open sincere earnes!