Blog Article

A Female With AS.

Posted by tiina56

I don't know if anyone will read this blog as not many people seem to be visiting this site, which is sad. Anyway, I thought that I would have a go at writing a short blog, so that if anyone reads my profile, they can also come here afterwards. One of my special interests is Finnish, so I would really prefer to write this blog in Finnish, but I don't know if this would be allowed, so I am using English.

I was diagnosed with AS 18 months ago, but I had known for years and years before this that I was different from others in a way I couldn't quite define.  It was as if they moved in one world while I moved in a parallel world.  I have been deeply lonely all of my adult life, and probably this is something I share with many of you on this site.  The sense of disconnection from most people is always there. 

I go to a local AS support group which I find really helpful. We meet every week and it is good both to share our experiences of life on the spectrum and to talk about all kinds of interesting topics such as time travel and the possible existence of other dimensions and of other universes. I know little about the hard sciences, but have read SF for many years, so I can talk about these sorts of concepts with the knowledge I have picked up from my reading.

North Korea is another of my main interests and I have about 55 books about the country and some DVD's as well. 

Number of views: 2715


Posted by goodheart

Tina, I was diagnosed, late in life, being on the autistic spectrum. It was a relief and a curse. If, I could be NT, I'd do it, in a heartbeat. I have a therapist. I have felt that being on the autistic spectrum, is similar to: being naive and having a bullseye painted on my forehead. I attend "Aspies for Social Success" (ironic title) Zoom meetings. It is on Meetup and has a website.

Posted by roquefort

Hi Tina, I relate strongly to most of what you write. I was also recently diagnosed with AS and certainly went through similar inner feelings. Just for me personally, I am sure that what literally saved my life was a joyful diverse spiritual group now spread to 12 million members in 192 countries or territories that works to respectfully encourage everyone believing in their incredible undiscovered potential,and is working strenuously with the UN and at least scores of similar organizations to promote in all WAYS a robust world peace, including in worldwide culture and education. The central worldwide website is, in English, with extensive exhilarating material and links including to the SGI websites for countries around the world. Anyway, FYI it is free and open to all and is moreover effectively beneficial. I am also really interested in those SF concepts while striving to develop my scientific understanding.

Posted by roquefort

Hi Tina, I relate strongly to most of what you write. I was also recently diagnosed with AS and certainly went through similar inner feelings. Just for me personally, I am sure that what literally saved my life was a joyful diverse spiritual group now spread to 12 million members in 192 countries or territories that works to respectfully encourage everyone believing in their incredible undiscovered potential,and is working strenuously with the UN and at least scores of similar organizations to promote in all WAYS a robust world peace, including in worldwide culture and education. The central worldwide website is, in English, with extensive exhilarating material and links including to the SGI websites for countries around the world. Anyway, FYI it is free and open to all and is moreover effectively beneficial. I am also really interested in those SF concepts while striving to develop my scientific understanding.

Posted by jflynn

Oops, I tried to rate your blog post as a 5 but the tablet was being difficult in responding to input and apparently a 0 registered on the Website, lowering the net rating to a 4. Sorry.

Posted by stevenw

I know that on some days i can not seem to say anything right to any one thats when i feel most seems to be like that for many of us you just can not seem to figure it out and the emotions are all mixed up and in the wrong place there the days i car not think about anything good about having aspergers syndrome i am a little bit better now when i was younger it seemed to be like that all the time and it dosnt help when youre just told to take more fucking pills

Posted by ikingneal

Lol, I used to ask my former NT housemate to send me back to my home world already, long before my diagnosis. It does explain so much of my life. My son was diagnosed first at 13 & then I figured out about my younger daughter and then myself. That was about 2 Yeats ago so I was almost 50. Hard life....

Posted by alan1980

You sound so very interesting. I feel much the same, wrong planet. Was diagnosed as an Aspie last month at 53, explains so much..

Posted by mediummatthew

wow you can explain what you feel so well. i also feel lonely a lot of the time. like Jay i am a little better with age. is your as support group near liverpool? i am in lancs a lot of the time and would like to try it.

Posted by nicesocialguyuk

Hi, I'm a female with AS also. But I am only 19. Your profile says you are 56. So nothing ever changes, then---the disconnect from others?

Posted by megaed99

Hi there. I know the feeling exactly. I am a male who was diagnosed with AS last year at the age of 35. I have felt different since about 15 years of age. I never used to be a good mixer but got better with age. I am very interested in you as support group as I live in Liverpool and would like to attend can you given me any details?