Blog Article

Response to Mr_Paul

Posted by pinkiepie96

You have a point there, but youtube had become a place where view points can be expressed no matter how unpopular they are. They are one of the biggest networks next to Facebook and a great percentage of people use them. If they start making it so people can lost money because of their opinions or lanuage it'll become an echo chamber for youtube-approved ideas and not a place where ideas can be spread. This isn't a small business and we cannot afford to let them to do this. And by that logic can can a convient store owner refuse to hire black people or kick them out? They are a private business afterall. See what I mean, just because you can do something doesn't make it right. 

Number of views: 1554


Posted by anna6840

I don't deny it, and certainly prior to 2010 that was true that it was just a place for free expression and discussion. but a loss of money does not mean that youtube are censoring anything. Getting views will not be a problem, if it's popular the channel won't lose the views it gets, in fact they'd probably even get more to hear their non-Youtube approved messages. Youtube had it's celebrities prior to the opening of partnership to everyone and they did well before the distribution of money came about. Some channels like theamazingathiest were built on swearing rants yet to be paid for swearing seems a bit off to me. The key thing is, videos will not lose views so people will still hear the opinions. The only difference is that those who just swear and rant for their videos will not be paid for doing something, which should really only be considered a hobby. That is my opinion on it and I am grateful for hearing an intelligent discussion on this issue.