Blog Article

Beginning of the end

Posted by pinkiepie96

Look, I understand the oil industry and factories help make jobs, but we are destroying our planet. We need to do something now or we'll be living through The Day After Tomorrow. We are not above mother nature and should stop acting like that. I can make a list of crimes against nature humans do from killing sharks for their fins, whaling, poaching, destroying rainforests, global warming, etc. All of it is destroying the balance of nature and we need to do something. I do not want to tell my future kids "This planet used to be beautiful, but we ruined it and wouldn't stop because of money and pride"

I know there's easy solution, but we need to do what's best in the long run. All those jobs are nothing compared to the helath of our planet. We can debate the best way to go about things, but doing nothing isn't an option.

Watch this video to see how urgent the situation is. Sign Pinkiepie96

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