Blog Article

This could be your loved one-watch the video

Posted by pinkiepie96

Look, there are bad people in jail. There are also people who mistakes. There are unfortunately some innocent poeple to. Watch this video and imagine it's your child or brother or friend or father or whoever being treated like this. Just because they work with criminals, doesn't mean they should act like them. These are human beings they work with at the end of the day. I say we get rid of for profit prisons all together. These people deserve to be fired. Imagine you or someone you care about in this guy's place, imagine the pain he must've been in. Two wrongs don't make a right and if you think he had it coming, take a good long look in the mirror and think about what I said, you are just as bad as the worst criminal. I am so saddend and angered by this miscarriage of justice. 


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