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What I learned about myself from the book The Emotional Life of Your Brain:

Posted by onyxami

Some people say I shouldn't post blogs about Autism, but I think this site should be appropriate. Please let me know if anything I post gives the wrong impression of me. Mainly when I don't see people's negative reactions coming, I just mean little things like appologizing too much for my sometimes odd behavior. I only just began to realize I may be mildly autistic when I was in college interacting with lots of people I was unfamiliar with.
Outlook: I'm usually a pretty positive type but I can be a bit hard on myself. I can have a wide emotional range which can be a good thing on the positive end of that spectrum. It means I'm open to new people, ideas, technology, food, etc. I tend to believe there's always happy path waiting to be discovered for everything.

Social Intuition: Intuitive, but don't always read others' emotions or see negative reactions coming.

Self-Awareness: I can be almost perfectly self-aware, except I’m not always aware of negative emotions. I'm also in my head a lot.

Sensitivity to Context: Almost very tuned in, but again, I don't always understand how others might feel negatively or not necessarily positive depending on the context.

Resilience: I get over things pretty fast, usually (too fast would seem uncaring). I take criticism from people, especially women pretty hard, though, and take a while to recover :/

Attention: Almost unfocused. The advantage is I'm a fairly creative person--always thinking three steps ahead (not necessarily related to the present). Other people grab my attention whether good or bad (I always expect a positive reaction from people). I'm a bit nostalgic and I'm not always good at prioritizing what's important, so I tend to always have lots of stuff everywhere (a ninja always comes prepared!) The most important thing to know about me in this case is I am a bit slower to respond than most people. Sometimes people mistake it as disinterest. In fact, I'm usually so interested in everything, it takes me longer than usual to process what people say. If I don't know a quick answer to a question, ask me again later. There's a good chance I've given it an extraordinary amount of careful thought and consideration. I do much better in large group discussions where I have lots of time to think.

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