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I see this being better than FB. For me at least.

Posted by baseballman85

I have done FB and Twitter before. Like Nature, they ran their Course. With me at least. I am newish to this Site and am taking a Magellin approach. Exploring it and tapping it for all the resourses I can. I have found that like FB, You can send people Friend Requests and accept or deny them yourself. To anyone who wishes to send me any, I am open to accept. I am working Full Time and could use some friends to hang out with on the weeknds. Doesn't matter if your a boy or a girl, Friend Request me. As Jack Nicholson Said "All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy." Also it doesn't matter if your my neighbor or live half a world away, I do eventually want to take up Traveling and Vacationing as A Hobby down the road.

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