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Book Preview

Posted by pinkiepie96

Here is a preview of my published book From the Ashes for those on the fence:Noah woke up trembling like an earthquake was raging through him and drenched in sweat. He could feel hot, stinging tears slide down his cheeks. “Noah, are you ok?”Chris’ voice snapped him from his thoughts and he saw his boyfriend staring at him in concern. “Chris”, he gasped before latching onto him like his life depended on it, fearing if he let go his boyfriend would fade away. He wrapped his arms around Noah and began rubbing his back. “Well that explains a lot”, Jennifer commented from her seat and Chris looked to her. They were in the employee break room. It was just him, Jennifer, Noah, and Ginger. He had insisted that Noah take a nap when he came in for work, yet again he came in yawning and looking like a newly risen zombie. The three of them were just talking when Noah began tossing and turning and mumbling and sobbing in his sleep. He had immediately hurried to Noah’s side.“It’s ok, Noah. It was just a nightmare”“Don’t let go of me”, he whimpered like a scared child, soaking his boyfriend’s shoulder with his tears and still shaking like a leaf.“You know if that weren’t so sad it’d be cute”, Ginger commented. Noah didn’t seem the notice or care about the audience, the only person in the room that mattered was the one currently holding him, rubbing his back and whispering reassuring words in his ear.“It’s ok, you’re safe here. No one’s going to hurt you. Why don’t you sit down with us?”“Who else is here?”He squeaked like a nervous mouse, looking directly into his eyes.“Just Jennifer and Ginger”, he said, “Join us at the table. There’s no way of sleeping after that” “Great”, he moaned, feeling like kicking himself. He knew if he fell asleep he’d have a nightmare, “Now they know I’m broken”

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