Blog Article


Posted by dunes

I have too many questions before about myself and am now trying to cope up with the realities i alone discovered. Like most here, its exhausting for me to be surrounded by too many people specifically people that I don't really know very well hence, don't trust. My body seem to react fast as i profusely sweat during such situations and feel the urge that the gathering soon ends. I don't know know how to start a conversation except when I am just writing. The truth is I can more freely express myself this way. though am not really articulate in writing.

I am very poor in reading people, to comprehend their actions and expressions and much more on how to properly react on such. sometimes i get totally surprise how i get by but i believe in my capacity and intellect, though not really straight away. I am more relaxed being alone or with just one person that I truly admire.

Whenever I travel, i prefer to be with just people that would be interested to be in my company. but that doesn't really happen often. So most of my travel, I am alone. In the places I visit, i walk concentrating on things that captures my interest and very seldom meet or speak to anybody. I don't have steady friends because I feel tired running after people and try to keep them. I am really exhausted.

When I turned 30, that was the time that i knew there must be something wrong with me. My strong observation made me realized that this is not common to many people. I am different. I love to read a lot specially topics on Humanities and Psychology. Just recently, I came across the word ASPERGER and chance upon this website. As i read through all the introduction, descriptions and all that, I suddenly realized that what I was reading is all me. It's as if most of the profile only echoes my true sentiments and thoughts. I can relate to every word and understand vividly every time a person describes himself. My brains and my senses reacts as if my past experiences are unfolding right before my very eyes.

They don't have professionals that deals with my kind of people where I am at. Even if there is, I am not really aware. I am lost and can't find help. There is only one thing I know now. I love the people in this website. I am them and they are me.

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