Blog Article


Posted by philipandermann1

HAPPY NEW YEAR!    by Phil

The sun rises on a new year.
roaring yellow
pouncing from mountain peak to plain
splitting the shadows of the dead past
bringing to life all the colors of the people
and the different languages of their wakening
and the universal characters on a scroll of interdepence declaration
where a lion lives
and roars back at the pledge to propagate
the seed of hope:
"let us crush injustice and suffering
opening the way to a vast garden of capable people,
a brilliant Century of Life."

We are the family
splitting the earth to light as
Bodhisattva seedlings growing out from shadows of
to reveal the emptiness of their threats,
we are the garden in that Castle of Unity
built out of our meetings and visits, of gold bricks
extracted from our hearts through opening them, to the Law
of the Family
of Humanity.

We are the justice that shines most when no friend cheers,
thus shining uniquely for those in the night of blind
the action that roars like the Sun-Lion.

We chant and try and chant and try, endlessly,
speaking the languages of everyone,
plainest colors blended boldly upon revealing,
and the master portrait of,
once invisible hope,
we are most gifted to encourage because the most ordinary
of people,
we are nascent lion cubs responding to:
   "I keep praying for you
     to become a lion

     of inspiring courage in challenging destiny ."

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