Blog Article

What do you hear?

Posted by philipandermann1


Song of Peace


Philip Claude Andermann

Just listen to the music in your heart,
and the world will never forget it.
That music is the heartbeat of others.
Just listen.
Thus listen to your mentor's heart
and no matter what be his voice.



Philip Claude Andermann

Put a stethoscope to another's heart,
and you have the microphone
to reach the world,
and the telescope
to set the furthest stars
to wonder for a child,
and the microscope 
to discover hope
sparkling way 
in  that hiding tear.

Growing Hope     by Phil

Deaf Beethoven once remarked
That the music he had written
Was nothing compared to the music
He had heard.

I think no-one has heard
The most beautiful music within you.
Perhaps you have not heard it yet,
Or even the symphony of voices
You wrote today.

Hear the Sun  by Phil

My friend,
Are you but a butterfly
Seeking to capture the flower
With your playfulness of mind?

Are you but a dance on water,
Would you sink to seed of light
Of flower of reflected sun
Merely by joining dimples of forgetfulness?

NO, be not the wind
Of tease caress forever fled from response,
Of mere fancy.
Sound the heartbeat of an ocean, of leaves:
Be the wind - of dance
Of the Growth of Limbs!!

Friend, be that tree soaring:
Of vast limbs
Resonating the keyboard, the global orchestra
Of our growing forest of dancing treasure towers,

Life-force radiating through millennia:
The sun-music of passion and hope!!!

Number of views: 1470


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