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Take a Stand for Victory Over Violence! A youth movement of dialogue and action.

Posted by philipandermann1

Join an excitingly actively growing world movement of youth.


A growing network of global citizens committed to building a culture of peace through dialogue and action.

"Courage is not merely, or primarily the absence of fear. It is the taking on of tasks and concerns that are far larger than fear. It is discovering how to face your fears and moving through them as a whole person. That is what is essential!"


Over 1 million signed the pledge so far as their start:

The VOV Pledge

  • I Will Value My Own Life.

    Today, again, I will reach beyond my doubts, taking concrete steps to uncover my unlimited potential. Recognizing that a lack of self-identity and hope for the future are at the root of all violence, I will strive to realize my dreams, even if they seem impossible.

  • I Will Respect All Life.

    While protecting and celebrating diversity, I will endeavor to see beyond superficial differences. I will awaken to a deeper sense of interconnectedness with those around me by reflecting on the common humanity I share with all people.

  • I Will Actively Pursue Dialogue.

    With care and consideration for the dignity inherent in others, I will make continual efforts to reach out to people each day, especially those different from myself. Through genuine friendship, I will break through feelings of isolation and hopelessness that can lead to acts of violence.

  • I Will Inspire Hope In Others.

    With courage, I will resolutely stand up against violence, be it passive or physical and teach others through my own example. I will support others and encourage them to follow their dreams.

The VOV Kid’s Pledge

  • I Will Respect Myself.

    I can do anything and today I will take action. Having a dream for the future will help me remember to treat myself and others with respect. I will never give up on my dreams.

  • I Will Respect All Life.

    We are all different and we are all special. We are all connected.

  • I Will Talk And Listen To The People In My Life.

    Remembering that everybody has something good inside, I will try to find that good thing in every person I meet. I will be a good friend to myself and to others.

  • I Will Be The Best Me I Can Be.

    I will share the hope in my heart with the hearts of others. I will be brave, I will not hurt others, and I will ask them not to hurt others as well. I will help my friends so that we can all make our dreams come true.


Number of views: 1645


Posted by douggiedale

This pledge is a great idea. Adresses why people are reduced to violence and hopefully will help people express any issues that they have without hurting people. Usually people resort to violence when they feel ignored or opressed by the world and want to lash out. Have a nice day Katie