Mysterious is The Law,
Hard to believe, untouched by senses,
And not spoken in words.
So, said the sage -
Embrace the permanent
And discard the transient.
It is the way of sages,
The Elixir of life,
And no more was to be said.
Numerous are scriptures,
Religions and practices,
Like shells on a beach without a pearl.
Scriptures stay
Like sign posts,
And the way is lost.
Religions grow like weeds,
And people throng
In reverence of sign posts.
What is permanent?
Isn't what is gained lost?
Doesn't what is born die?
Isn't what is seen and heard
But a blip, so insignificant
In an infinite array of frequencies?
Do the body and world
exist outside of senses?
Are senses permanent?
What is permanent?
Doesn't the body perish
Like food on which it feeds?
And is the world perceived
Without a body?
Do the body and the world
exist outside of senses?
Are senses permanent?
What is permanent?
Are thoughts and desires permanent?
Do they exist without
The imagery built upon senses?
Are senses permanent?
So, said the sage -
All phenomena are transient.
What is permanent,
Is not to be gained anew,
For it is ever existent,
Abiding in it is the Law,
And unlimited compassion.
Because the Sage is one with it,
Abiding in it is the true
Oneness of Mentor and Disciple.
As individuality is limited to senses,
Free of senses, Sages are not many,
But One!
Hard to believe, untouched by senses,
And not spoken in words.
So, said the sage -
Embrace the permanent
And discard the transient.
It is the way of sages,
The Elixir of life,
And no more was to be said.
Numerous are scriptures,
Religions and practices,
Like shells on a beach without a pearl.
Scriptures stay
Like sign posts,
And the way is lost.
Religions grow like weeds,
And people throng
In reverence of sign posts.
What is permanent?
Isn't what is gained lost?
Doesn't what is born die?
Isn't what is seen and heard
But a blip, so insignificant
In an infinite array of frequencies?
Do the body and world
exist outside of senses?
Are senses permanent?
What is permanent?
Doesn't the body perish
Like food on which it feeds?
And is the world perceived
Without a body?
Do the body and the world
exist outside of senses?
Are senses permanent?
What is permanent?
Are thoughts and desires permanent?
Do they exist without
The imagery built upon senses?
Are senses permanent?
So, said the sage -
All phenomena are transient.
What is permanent,
Is not to be gained anew,
For it is ever existent,
Abiding in it is the Law,
And unlimited compassion.
Because the Sage is one with it,
Abiding in it is the true
Oneness of Mentor and Disciple.
As individuality is limited to senses,
Free of senses, Sages are not many,
But One!
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