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"Sorry! Your account has been temporarily restricted from sending messages while we investigate some unusual activity on your account. You are still free to browse the rest of the website as normal."

Posted by charliepayne

Sorry! Your account has been temporarily restricted from sending messages while we investigate some unusual activity on your account. You are still free to browse the rest of the website as normal.

What is this? Has anyone gotten this before? It happened to me one other time on here, and ofc I wasn't banned or anything so I'm assuming I didn't do anything banable.

I haven't threatened or spammed anyone, or *harassed* anyone. Ofc a lot of the time harassment is whatever the person receiving the *harassment* wants it to be. I've shared my phone number and Facebook link in private messages but only to girls I feel it will be worthwhile with or if we've had a decently sized conversation on here, or both.

So my question is, has anyone ever gotten this error before? Were you ever notified about what you were reported for?

Number of views: 1622


Posted by charliepayne

That's what the admin told me, and he kindly unblocked me, cheers, Admin

Posted by charliepayne

words to the wise, the system gets an error when you message 10 different people in a 30 minute time period I think?