Blog Article

ATTENTION: New and Old Members, Please Read

Posted by charliepayne

There seems to be an issue with inactive users on this site. It's more than it should be. It seems like 70% of users haven't logged in in months. I've saw many profiles that are outdated and haven't been updated in almost a decade, or some rediculous amount of years,so obviously they've been inactive. I'm not sure if there's more inactive females than males, cause obviously since I'm a guy looking for a girl, I'm mainly messaging girls on here. So I have no idea how many inactive men there are, but I've saw some blog posts from girls on here saying there are quite a few.

If there ever comes a point where you don't use this site anymore, please put some form of contact info in your biography, or if you don't wanna do that, please delete your account. No one wants to send out 100 messages and only get 10 replies. I'm sure people will ignore messages, but I doubt anymore than 50% of messages are ignored.

Also it seems the younger girls on here (age 18-21) have an even lower reply rate. I hear it's because they're preoccupied with school etc. but who knows.

Another issue is too many people expecting others to message them first. You can't just make a profile and expect people to come to you, you gotta put in a little effort too.

If you don't want to reply to a particular person, just politely let them know.

This kinda looks in an admin-ish post in some ways but I'm not an admin. I'm just a member who wants to be able to have nice things, and having sites like these are nice, especially for me since I genuinely want a girl with Aspergers and aren't just on here cause it didn't work out with normal girls.

Number of views: 1428


Posted by charliepayne

This is why we can't have nice things cause people ruin it.

Posted by charliepayne

Vladdy, no, I'm not referring to you. I'm sorry if u felt that way :( I was referring to people who don't respond at all, like if I do an intro message to them and never hear back. You're welcome to talk to me any time you feel down or depressed