Blog Article

The Greatest Mystery

Posted by philipandermann1


THE GREATEST MYSTERY by Philip Andermann

I am trying to more truly listen to my heart.

When I do, I do feel
that only when we open our truest heart to
what is compassion
in our inner universe

for those unique enigmatic
recognizable jewels of changing life
inevitably emerging

in ecologies
that to survive

inevitably can interreflect en-lightenment
eternally, like Indra's Net,...

then and only then,
can we understand the essence
of the Entire Spectrum
of all that realm 
of quark through cosmoses
we mostly label "nonlife,"
- latent life -

that is our symbiotic
actual mirror.

I feel that 
constantly evolving thoughts, words and deeds
of irresistibly growing compassion
toward all the recognizable "living realm"

open new realms or "dimensions"
wherein to perceive
that Phenomena are not "impermanent,"
they merely change form -

as cycling from latent to manifest and back,

as ice, water, vapor..
energy and matter..,
cause and effects also conserved...
also life and death
the flow and ebb of tides,
and the Ten inter-containing Worlds:
all latent or manifest but never anything lost.

The Sage centered on the Tenth World of Indestructible
Compassion understands, while always functioning
through the other Nine Worlds

transforming their apparent transience into
a means for ever-evolving value.
to always grow more value.

We remember the past and not the future
because we appear driven 
by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

With our normal limited senses 
we thus perceive time as linear,
protectively and
so we can treasure life 
because of its transience.

The more we treasure life, 
the more we can appreciate its potential
beyond what our senses perceive.

We appreciate the vast creativity of life
only possible because of apparent death,
a creativity vaster than immortality:

because the re-emergence of life as dance
is a mathematical inevitability,

because movoever its "music" continues
through our fractal/extradimensional universe
like "radio waves" ever radiating outward
toward "radio receivers/transceievers" of karma,
the unique vibratory genetics of our karma -
both individual and ecological -

fertilizing a constellation of circumstances.

Herein, time protectively appearing linear
can manifest daily life with its creativity,
while "apparent death"/"latent life" reveals its nonlinearity
[in realms still beyond our instruments]:
allowing life to become limitlessly creative and infinite in impact.

The true mentor's heart -
always through prayer, word and deed resonating in others',
evokes a source of human imagination 
and creativity of profounder empathy always exceeding 
what had been imagined before,
"deeper blue than that of the original Indigo plant."

Directly linked with other hearts
despite apparent distance of space and time,
it forever throbs new hope to each life,
it revives our heart and
wakes us to fulfill new dreams,
waking others infused with further courage.

This same heart of mentor in each disciple,
to hear and reach the hearts of all humanity - and beyond:

circulating the musical echos of hope,
lets each inner world enrich the other
with ethos of generosity's creativity.

People, looking up to the skies,
roaming the earth,
you will be the leading actors on the stage now,
creating as you do a wholly different drama of history.

You alone are reality.
Outside of you there is no real world.

Science, philosophy,
art, religion,
all undertakings must be directed toward the people.

Science without you is coldhearted
philosophy without you is barren
art without you is empty
religion without you is merciless.

The highest wisdom 
is exactly the same as our deepest compassion.
it is our skins that would divide 
us that give us our feelings of love -

and awe, for each contains 
the highest sky, and each one thus feels the breath
of life in all - 
and naught is lost.

For all treasure comes from 
gratitude of the heart
forever multiplied by sharing.

"It starts with me."
"It starts from now."

I look in the true mirror of the inner self, 
of the deepest profound heart:

The poison in me can be changed to medicine!
My karma can be used, transformed, into a means or mission to help others!
"First, I must change myself."

But other people are also differently my mirror.
So to change myself, I must share with others 
the truest  mirror one-to-one so they are free to change themselves.

This can start a chain reaction.

The more one can share benefit from one's heart, through cause and effect 
the more this benefit is multiplied within.
This can happen to everyone thus reached one-to-one.

Thus one-to-one can be far better 
than  exponential growth
through our interconnectedness.

In the Avatamsaka Sutra, the image of "Indra's net" is used to describe the interconnectedness of the universe:

Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each "eye" of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering "like" stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring.

"Like the Mentor, I shall never give up."
together we shall never giveup.

"I shall advance with joy."
The most healthy contagion of truest joy:

no matter how fiercely
the winds of tribulation may blow,
from the earth
together we emerge dancing,
filled with vitality,
advancing dynamically
and in solid unity
along the great path of happiness.

"It starts with me."

Together with achieving world peace 
grass roots starting upward 

from individual peace, education of peace, a culture of peace,
drawing out the best from every individual,
from ever culture, from every Sage's philosophy,

from the individual inner resolution,
upward from the individual inner revolution,

we shall understand the mysterious of the universe

through the light of far deeper appreciation,

for the world only makes sense
with such a sense of gratitude 
we shall unleash with such an endeavor:

answering the deepest mystery,

answering the actual reason
that we were born!
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