Blog Article

A warm thank you

Posted by snowflake101

I would like to say thank you to those who had put themself between me and owen.... Trying their darn hardest to make me happy again... I... Really appreciate... 

To those who think that I'm.... "attention seeking".... I hate doing that... I don't try to force attention.... I am just completely against attention seeking.... When I say something that is linked to my past... The only thing I am seeking is "help"... Not "attention".... There is a big difference... Seeking help is a way of me asking on how I can improve... How I can help myself and others round me.... As for seeking attention... I just don't get it...

Sorry if I talk too much... It always happens a lot and people get really bored of me rambling things to them... I mainly don't notice  until I finish what I am saying.... But.... Thank you....

especially aestheticdream and jamie8888... I love both you... I thank you two for trying so many ways to help with all my problems.... I appreciate it truelly...

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